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Welcome to the Newport Premed Blog!

Applying to medical school can be a frustrating, confusing and tedious process so that's why I want to help! There are so many resources out there to help and I want to introduce you to those resources so you are an informed applicant. You are the architect of this entire application process and I want to make sure you have every available advantage at your fingertips. Some on campus premed advisor are amazing while others are too busy to get into the details with you. That's why you need to educate yourself throughout this process.

Just think of the numbers....Tulane, for example, receives over 10,000 applications, gives out only 500 interview slots and 185 will matriculate. You do the math. You need all the help you can get and you need to prepare as early as possible.

Regardless if you have a FANTASTIC on campus premed advisor or you have no one to turn to since you are a non-traditional student in their 30's, I hope this Newport Blog will help you. Tell your friends and spread the word.

I will post a section of interesting articles about health, medicine, and trends in medical education for you to follow. If you find a great article, please email me.

Let's start this Blog!


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